Awards and Accolades
1) Dr.(Mrs.) Deepa Desai, Principal, N. S. S. College of Pharmacy received the Best Research Paper Award - 2011 in the discipline of Pharmaceutical chemistry for a research paper entitled “Synthesis, Characterization and Computational ADME studies of some novel analogs of (+)-2-(4-isobutylphenyl) propionic acid" published in Indian Drugs (May 2011 issue)at the 50th Golden Jubliee Celebrations of Indian Drug Manufacturer’s Association on 6th January, 2012.
2) An E-poster entitled ‘Potential Therapeutic Targets and Treatment for COVID-19’, authored by Dr.(Mrs.) D. M. Desai and Mrs. R. B. Patil secured the First prize at National Level E poster competition for the Faculty, organized by the Pharmacy department of Dr. Vedprakash Patil Educational Campus, Osmanabad in the month of June, 2020. [06(02), 176-185]
3) A Review article entitled ‘Community Pharmacists: Frontline COVID-19 warriors and the approaches for the safe management of the Pharmacies during the pandemic’ authored by Dr.(Mrs.) D. M. Desai and Mrs. R. B. Patil was published in the World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR) in May, 2020.
1) An E poster entitled ‘Role of Pharmacists in COVID-19’ authored by two of our students
2) Our Final Year D. Pharm students (2017-18 batch), Bhavin Mehta and Raunak Dubey bagged the Second prize at the MSBTE approved and sponsored State Level Technical Paper Presentation Competition (Oral) organized at Ideal College of Pharmacy, Kalyan on 1st September, 2018.
3) Our Final Year D. Pharm students (2015-16 batch), Saurabh Yadavand Akashkumar Agrahari bagged the First prize whereas Pooja Chaudhary and Kisan Chaudhary bagged the Third prize at the Inter - collegiate Technical Paper Presentation Competition organized at NSSCOP, Mumbai on 7th February, 2017.
4) Vinit Walam and Hrishikesh Kushwaha (2012-13 batch) won the Second prize in Technical Paper Presentation Competition organized at Government polytechnic, Amravation 1st March, 2014.
5) Hemant Nigade and Malpara Irfan(2012-13 batch) won the Second prize in a MSBTE approved and sponsored Technical Paper Presentation Competition organized at Tatyasaheb Kore College of Pharmacy, Warananagar on 15th February,2014.
6) Jayshree Jain and Ajay Jaiswal from the institute (2011-12 batch) won the First prize at the Inter collegiate Technical Paper Presentation Competition organized at NSSCOP, Mumbai on 29th December 2012.